Sunday, October 7, 2007

relationship lemonade

I just broke up an eleven month relationship and am somehow trying to turn this very difficult decision from a relationship lemon into lemonade. Why do break-ups suck so bad? How do you learn to trust that the decision you made was the right one? How do you learn to not make those same mistakes again in a new relationship?

At this point I don't want to even consider a new relationship. Putting so much time and effort into something that just fell apart has me very squeemish about any new relationships (although I swear I saw the man of my dreams at Starbucks tonight).

I feel like I've been defining who I am by the bad situations in my life. Wouldn't it be great to define myself by something positive? It seems to me that I have a habit of clinging to things that I DON'T want to define myself by or that somehow I can change something into a positive and make it what defines me. Can I honestly look at myself and cling to what's in the mirror or am I always so wrapped up in other people's business that I can't fathom the idea of making myself #1?

When's the last time I had a goal for myself? Is it possible for someone who is so co-dependent to define herself on her own terms? Someone out there has to have risen from the ashes.

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